How to Create a Custom Membership Pricing Page in Ghost 5

The membership page is where your users land to check the available plans for your newsletter/blog/publication. Ghost comes with in-build membership tiers. Which only works through the portal.

In this article, I will show you how you can build a custom Membership Pricing Page in Ghost.

InoStack Membership Page

The Routes

For the custom membership page, we have to define a custom route for the page. to do that download the current routes file from Ghost admin. & Add the membership routes to the file.

## routes.yaml

    template: membership # the template for membership page 
    data: page.membership # Ghost page to pull the dynamic data like title, contents etc

    permalink: /{slug}/
    template: index

  tag: /tag/{slug}/
  author: /author/{slug}/

After updating the routes upload the routes.yaml file from your ghost admin.

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The Template

As we have defined a custom template for the membership page. now we have to create a file called membership.hbs in the theme root folder.

Below is a sample hbs file you have to adjust the CSS & HTML classes based on your current theme.
{{!< default}}
<div class="it-page it-pricing">
	<div class="it-container">
		<div class="it-checkout-form it-canvas">
      <h1 class="it-checkout-title it-title-highlight">{{title}}</h1>
      <div class="it-checkout-box it-grid-c3">
        {{> "membership/tiers"}}

      <div class="it-content">

        {{^if @member}}
          <div class="it-subscribe-section">
              <h2 class="it-checkout-title it-title-highlight">{{t "Or Become a free Member"}}</h2>
              <p>{{t "To stay up to date with our members only contents straight to your inbox"}}</p>
              <div class="it-subscribe-content">
                <form data-members-form="subscribe" class="subscribe-form">
                  <div class="input-wrapper">
                    <input type="email" class="subscribe-form-input" placeholder="{{t "Enter your email address"}}" aria-label="{{t "Email"}}" data-members-email="" required="true">
                    <button type="submit" class="subscribe-form-button it-button it-button-primary">{{t "Subscribe"}}</button>
                  <div class="message-success">{{t "Please check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription."}}</div>
                  <div class="message-error">{{t "An error occurred, please try again later."}}</div>

on the above file a partial has been called from partials/membership/tiers.hbs

here are the codes for the above partial

{{!-- partials/membership/tiers.hbs --}}

{{#get "tiers" include="monthly_price,yearly_price,benefits" limit="all" as |tiers|}}
    {{#foreach tiers}}
        <div class="it-checkout-plan">
            <header class="it-checkout-plan-header">
            <ul class="it-checkout-plan-content">
                {{#foreach benefits as |benefit|}}
            {{#match type "free"}}
                {{#if @member}}
                    <a class="it-button it-button-primary fit price-button disabled" href="/signup">{{t "Current Plan"}}</a>
                    <a class="it-button it-button-primary fit price-button" href="/signup">{{t "Signup for free"}}</a>
            {{#if monthly_price}}
              <a class="it-button it-button-primary fit price-button" href="javascript:void(0)" data-portal="signup/{{id}}/monthly">{{t "Select"}} - {{price monthly_price currency=currency}} / {{t "Mo"}}</a>
            {{#if yearly_price}}
                <span class="it-devider">OR</span>
              <a class="it-button it-button-secondary fit price-button" href="javascript:void(0)" data-portal="signup/{{id}}/yearly">{{t "Select"}} - {{price yearly_price currency=currency}} / {{t "Yr"}}</a>

Once all set zip the theme & upload it to your ghost blog.

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The Page (Last step)

Since we have created the custom template & routes.yaml files & they are in the right place. Now we have to create a page in ghost admin. to do that follow the steps.

  • Create a new page
  • Add a title (example: Choose your subscription)
  • Add subtitle if you want, using the excerpt field
  • Make sure the Page URL is set to membership as we have defined this on the routes.yaml file data: page.membership
  • Save the page

After that, you will be able to see a membership page with dynamic pricing tiers at

Dont forget the connect stripe & add tiers from the ghost admin.