Aether Setup Guide

Version: 2.1.0
Released: 26th June, 2023
Last Updated: 17 Dec, 2023
Changelog: Click Here


Aether, a captivating blog and magazine Ghost theme designed to elevate your online presence and take your blog or magazine to new heights.

With its adaptable and responsive design, Aether is the perfect choice for bloggers, writers, publishers, who want to create visually captivating and user-friendly websites that truly resonate with their audience.


Step 1: Downloading the Aether theme

To begin, you can download the Aether theme by following these steps:

  1. After purchasing the theme, you will receive an email containing the theme zip file. Alternatively, you can download the theme directly from the Dashboard.
  2. Extract the downloaded file, and you will find a folder named aether-1.0.0. Inside this folder, you will find the theme zip file named as well as a text file with the documentation link.

Step 2: Installing the Theme

Once you have the Aether theme zip file, you can proceed with the installation:

  1. Log in to the admin section of your Ghost blog by visiting
  2. Navigate to "Settings" and select "Design" from the menu.
  3. At the bottom of the left panel, click on "Change theme."
  4. In the top right corner, click the "Upload Theme" button.
  5. An upload box will appear. Choose the theme file that you downloaded earlier.
  6. Once the theme is uploaded, click the "Activate now" button to activate it on your blog.

Step 3: Configuring Basic Settings

After installing the Aether theme, you can configure some basic settings by following these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings" and select "Design" from the menu.
  2. Under the "Brand" section, you will find the following options:
    • Accent Color: Set the primary color for your theme.
    • Publication Icon: Upload an icon to be used as the site's favicon.
    • Publication Logo: Upload a logo to be used as the site's main logo.
    • Publication Cover: Upload a cover to be used as default site cover.

Homepage Hero Section

By default, the Site title, description, and publication cover act as the Hero Section title, sub-title, and cover image.

However, if you need more control over the content of the hero section, Aether provides a custom hero section that offers greater flexibility.

With the custom hero section, you can create a longer title, add formatted content using Ghost editor cards, and choose from two different layouts.

Adding a Custom Hero Section

To add a custom hero section, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Pages" section in your Ghost admin panel and click on "Add New Page".
  2. Enter a page title that you want to use as the hero section title.
  3. Add the desired content to the editor; this content will be displayed in the hero section.
  4. Upload a featured image that you want to use as the hero image.
  5. To ensure the custom hero section appears correctly, assign the page to an internal tag called #hero. If you omit this step, the custom hero section won't be displayed.

Changing the Hero Section Layout

Aether provides two different layout styles for the custom hero section. To change the layout, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings" and select "Design" from the menu in your Ghost admin panel.
  2. Under the "Homepage" section, you will find the "Hero style" option.
  3. Use the Hero subscribe form setting to show/hide the subscriber form within hero section.
  4. Select the desired layout style from the available options.

Congratulations! You have successfully added a custom hero section to your page and changed the layout style.

Homepage Featured Post Section

Right after the hero section on the homepage, there is a section dedicated to displaying your featured posts. To showcase your posts in this section, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the post settings of the desired post.
  2. Enable the "Featured" option to mark the post as featured.

Once you have marked posts as featured, they will be displayed on the homepage as prominent cards. By default, up to 4 featured cards can be shown in the section.

Enjoy highlighting your best content in the featured post section!

Homepage Featured Tag Section

Aether includes a dedicated section on the homepage to showcase your highlighted tags. To feature specific tags in this section, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the tags you want to display in the homepage featured tag section. You can customize each tag by adding an image and selecting a different accent color.
  2. Take note of the "slug" for each tag you want to include in the featured tag section.
  3. Go to "Settings" and select "Design" from the menu in your Ghost admin panel.
  4. Under the "Homepage" section, locate the "Featured tags slug" field.
  5. In the "Featured tags slug" field, enter the slugs of the tags you want to feature, separated by commas. For example: tag1, tag2, tag3.

Once you have set the featured tag slugs, the corresponding tags will be displayed in the homepage featured tag section. Make sure to save your changes.

Post Templates & Custom Pages

Aether offers additional post templates and custom page templates to enhance the presentation of your content.

Custom Post Templates

Aether provides two additional post templates:

To select a custom post template for a particular post, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the desired post that you want to apply the custom post template.
  2. In the post settings, under the "Template" section, choose the desired template from the available options.

Custom Page Templates

Aether provides three custom page templates:

Choose the appropriate template for your custom pages to enhance the user experience and showcase your content effectively.

Theme Settings

In addition to the theme settings mentioned earlier, there are two remaining settings that we will explain below:

Customizing the background color and copyright text can help you create a unique and branded experience for your visitors.

Theme Translation

Aether supports Ghost i18n and comes with English translation by default. You can easily translate the theme to your desired language following these steps:

  1. Go to your Ghost admin panel and navigate to "Admin" > "General" > "PUBLICATION INFO".
  2. Under "Publication Language", enter the Language Code Reference for the desired language you want to use. For example, enter "de" for German.

To add a language that is not included in the theme, such as German, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the "locales" folder in your Aether theme folder.
  2. Duplicate the "en.json" file and rename it to "de.json" since "de" is the language code for German.
  3. Open the "de.json" file and replace the English texts with your translated German texts.

By following these steps, you can customize the theme's translation to match your desired language.


If you need support, we're here to help! Here are a few ways you can reach out to us:

We're committed to providing excellent support and ensuring your experience with Aether is smooth and enjoyable. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you need assistance or have any feedback.


** 17 Dec 2023
    * Replaced Twitter icon with X
    * + Added post-share support
    * + Added recommendations support on the post page
    * Dependency updated

** 06th Aug 2023
  * + Added new theme settings
  * + Added support for hiding page title and feature image
    * Bug fixes & Improvements to the site structure

** 11th July 2023 - Update
  * Dropdown Bugfix
  * Added Button hover effect
  * Added hover effect for tags button within cards.

** 26th June 23 - Initial Release

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